The Oxford department of Experimental Psychology has
recently found that men need at least two days a week with their male friends
to maintain good health. Robin Dunbar,
the director of the Oxford University’s social and evolutionary neuroscience
research group, also suggests that men should meet with four friends to recap
the benefits of male friendship, and to grab a few drinks while they’re at it.
Dunbar also suggests that this bonding will also benefit men’s
health through faster recovery times when faced with illnesses and higher
levels of generosity. If the men also do some physical activity, such as
playing a sport together, entertainment and laughter will cause the release of endorphins,
which are responsible for the health benefits of the male bonding time.
Recently in the United Kingdom, one in three men cannot find the time to meet with their male friends once a week, and 40% of men are able to make a 'guy's night' only a weekly affair.
This is nuts! I’ve definitely recognized that a few nights a week with my bros makes me happy, but now I know that it keeps me healthy too. A few guys and myself do what we like to call “sports night” every so often. This is basically a night where about 10 of us males meet up and bring any sports equipment we can find: footballs, baseball gear, volleyballs, soccer balls – you name it. I noticed that, after a good friendly night of competition followed by a few brews with my dudes, I’m pretty satisfied. Every so often, I’ll find myself really busy with school or work and lacking male camaraderie. It’s these times that I find myself fatigued or bored and unhappy. I now know the reason for this – I need my bros to stay happy and healthy.