A new study scientifically confirmed a commuter’s worst
fears last week: air pollution directly causes lung cancer. The ultimate
decision was chosen by an expert panel of the International Agency for Research
on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization (WHO),
based in Lyon, France.
The IARC confirmed that air pollution is a carcinogen (a
cancer causing agent) such as asbestos, tobacco, and ultraviolet radiation.
Previously, the IARC had classified components of air pollution, such as diesel
fumes, to be carcinogens; but this is the first air pollution in its entirety
has been classified as such.
The researchers are concerned that, unlike secondhand smoke,
the population is not able to just maneuver their way around air pollution.
This hopefully will prompt governments and other agencies to create and
implement stricter controls on spewing fumes.
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